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Bossen Bubble Tea Powder Mix (Banana)
About this item
- Bossen’s Banana Powder...
About this item
- Bossen’s Banana Powder Mix has a fruity and tropical flavor that makes a wonderful bubble tea drink.
- This powder mix has creamer, flavor powder and sugar. One bag holds 2.2 lbs. of Bossen Banana Powder Mix
- COST EFFECTIVE: 1 bag makes 25 servings (40g of powder mix for 16 oz. drink)
- Scoop, Mix and Drink: Make authentic “bubble” tea drinks and smoothies. Add water or milk and mix well. Serve hot, iced, as a smoothie or blended! This powder mix can also be used in baking, with frozen yogurt and ice cream
- QUALITY: Bossen’s products are of the highest quality for that perfect boba drink.
- GET THE FULL EXPERIENCE: Is it even bubble tea without the toppings? Choose from a wide variety - Tapioca Pearls, Bursting Boba, Crystal Boba, and Jelly