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Elmer’s Slime Kit Slime Supplies Include Elmer’s Metallic Glue
- Slime kit includes everything you need to make smooth, butter slime
- Slime kit includes everything you need to make smooth, butter slime
- Elmer's Butter Slime Activator is an all-in-one formula that eliminates the need for contact lens solution and baking soda or other additives; turns Elmer's glue into Butter Slime
- Elmer's Liquid Glue is washable, safe, nontoxic—great for kids
- Liquid Glue adds glow in the dark and glitter elements to Butter Slime
- Kit includes: 2 tubes of Elmer's Butter Slime Activator (1.7 fl. oz. each); 1 bottle of Yellow Glow in the Dark Glue (5 fl. oz.), 1 bottle of Pink Glitter Glue (6 fl. oz.)