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Freud 34-128: 3/4" Radius Rounding Over Bit (Quadra-Cut)
About this item
- Specs: Bearing Dia. 1/2", Number...
About this item
- Specs: Bearing Dia. 1/2", Number of Cutters 4, Overall Dia. 2", Overall Length 2-7/8", Shank Dia. 1/2", Carbide Height 1", Radius 3/4"
- Mill moldings, doors, drawers and "soften" sharp edges of any wooden parts
- Most feature Freud's unique Quadra-Cut design for flawless finishes
- Rout hardwood, softwood, plywood and composites
- Use in CNC, hand-held and table mounted routers
- Freud Perma-SHIELD Coating